Saturday, February 22, 2014

Time, Nobody Seems to Have Enough

Everybody wants everything and they want it right now. Most people seem to always be looking for a quick fix. The problem with this is the quick fix is usually always temporary and very rarely addresses the underlying cause. One example comes to mind, say you twist your ankle and now it hurts to walk. The first thing that most people would do is take an ibuprofen to stop the pain. Yes you may feel better from taking the pain medicine but you will probably keep walking on it and just prolong the healing process. On the other hand, if you had just would have stopped putting pressure on the ankle it probably would not feel as bad and would heal faster. Now do not get me wrong, I take a pain killer every once in a while because I am a student and I still have to endure classes and get sleep and so forth. The important thing to take from this is to think about why you are hurting. If your hand hurts let it rest. If your head hurts, maybe you should stop looking at your computer, phone, tv, etc. for a few minutes and let your eyes rest, but I digress...

Healing takes time. No one likes to suffer but with all processes in life it takes time to heal. This is something that gets forgotten a lot. In our fast pace world, no one seems to have time to let their bodies heal. We work ourselves too hard too late in the day that we have to take something to help us sleep. Then when we have to get up the next morning we have to take or drink something to wake us up, but if we just would have listened to our body in the first place by going to bed when we were tired then we probably would have woken up on our own more refreshed with out any aids. I know what you are thinking, "aint nobody have time for that." You can either take the time to work on being healthy now or you can pay for it later on. Think of your health as an investment in a up and coming start-up business. I am sure looking back some of us would have loved to have invested more money in Apple co when it was starting out. You would be rich now, but instead you are struggling to find that extra buck to maybe have something when you get old so that you might actually be able to retire, because heaven knows there will not be any social security around when we get to that age. Think of your health as Apple co when Steve Jobs was just a young unknown hippie. Invest all that you have in it so that you can look back when you are old and say I lived a full life and now I can still enjoy my body because I listened to it and invested the time needed to maintain it. Just like Apple co seemed like a long shot, it definitely payed off for those who had the foresight in the long term.

We need to slow down and smell the roses every once in a while and take the time to make sure our bodies are functioning at a hundred percent. We go to the dentist to make sure our teeth are clean and functioning properly. Like we take care of our teeth, we should also make sure our nervous system is functioning at a hundred percent. We can do that by getting our spines checked by a chiropractor. With that maintenance we can heal more efficiently because communication is intact. But just like everything else, even functioning at a hundred percent, it will still take time to heal. Be patient and your body will thank you in the long run. So turn "aint nobody have time for that", into I have time for my health.

-Mike E

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