Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sadly Somethings Are Not Limitless

Once upon a time there was a microscopic cell. 

In that cell there are complex compounds made up of matter. Just like each of us, this little cell needs the proper nutrients to function properly. Each of these nutrients are also made of matter. Even if each and every nutrient is supplied to this little cell, and it functions to its fullest potential it can still only do what it is specified to do. A blood cell is really good at carrying oxygen but lousy at sending electrical signals to other parts of the body, but a nerve cell is excellent at doing that.  They are both made up of the same basic pieces of matter but the scope that they can achieve is very limited.
Just like this cell, all of our bodies are made up of that same matter.We can do specific tasks and functions that help us through our daily lives. These functions include: walking, running, sleeping, eating, typing blogs, speaking, and even healing ourselves. The problem is since we are made up of  matter we have limitations. We cannot fly under our own power, we cannot breathe under water, we cannot work beyond what our matter can handle. Our bodies will get to a point where there is no return to full function because of the deterioration of the matter in our bodies and ultimately it will stop functioning all together. What we can control is keeping our bodies, and the matter in it, in tip top shape by giving it all the nutrients and maintenance it needs to function at one hundred percent. We can do that by proactively taking care of our bodies through proper diet, movement, stimulation, and of course keeping our nervous system working properly through regular chiropractic care. 
So lets give this little microscopic cell and billions of cells in our body a happily ever after ending through proactively taking care of all of them.

-Mike E

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Why I do What I do and Why I am Who I am

A lot of factors go into deciding what we are to become. For me it has been a life full of culminating events that has prepared me for the profession that I have chosen. When I was only seven years old I was stricken with an inflammatory disease, called Kawasaki Disease, that left the arteries to my heart severely damaged. The miraculous thing about that experience is that my body innately adapted to the damaged arteries and created a new way for my heart muscle to get the blood it needed through extension of other arteries. This was my first personal experience on the ability and power of the human body to heal itself. In my church it is a common practice for a young adult to spend two years away from school, family, and the distractions of the world to spend all your time proselyting and sharing our religion with anyone that will listen. While I was doing this when I was nineteen years old, I had the wonderful experience to help and serve complete strangers and get to see peoples lives change for the better. This was truly life changing for myself and is when I decided that I wanted to help others improve their lives. Chiropractic is the science, philosophy, and art that allows me to help people enhance their bodies ability to heal themselves and in the process of that improve their quality and expression of life. While I have been in school I have seen improvements in my own life. I have been able to turn my life around and lose over thirty pounds of excess weight because my body has been functioning better. Also, despite my heart condition, in the last six months I have been able to run four half marathon races getting faster times each race. The human body is an incredible thing with limitless potential. I get to help others improve their lives through helping their bodies function at a 100% everyday and I love it.

-Mike E