Sunday, October 11, 2009

Back in the thick of things

Well school is back in full force and i am learning tons. Some important things i have learned so far is: Biology is not that easy.... tutoring something ingrains the subject into your head so if anyone needs help with basic chemistry i am your man, also trials come at us when you least expect it and when you least want them ;) On a positive note I am really busy and don't really have time to get bored. Any free time that i have is spent studying for something or just thinking about my classes. Oh what fun it is to be in college. The tutoring job is going great! It is good to have some extra money in my pocket. I have a following of about 29 students that come to me for chemistry tutoring a week so that is fun. Life is great hard and confusing at times but fun. I am ready for another exciting week, bring it!