Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Illness to Wellness

There are two ways we can view healing. One is the illness point of view and the other is wellness. What is the difference between them? If you look at the words themselves we can see the answer. The only difference between the words is Illness and Wellness or simply I and We. When we are Ill we say things like "I am sick," "I have this condition," "Whoa is me," etc. It is a self centered perspective. When we look at being well, on the other hand, it is a more community oriented view point. This is where we open ourselves up to accepting help from others and also provide help for others by sharing our life experiences. This is where we actively seek help because we know that we cannot do this on our own, but understand that as a part of an active community we need to do our part as well.

We all live in a community whether we want to accept that or not. In nature we see that every action has a reaction. True wellness, and happiness for that matter, comes from our positive interactions with those around us. That is the difference between illness and wellness.

-Mike E

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