Thursday, March 13, 2014

Season of Integrate
Cycle of Seasons

As one is able to take a step back from the spectrum, all of the Seasons of Wellbeing can be viewed as a single organic integrated whole. When one has passed through the first three seasons, an individual can look at each of the experiences and positives attributes that they experienced in each and learn to integrate them in new life experiences. They can apply the aspects that worked best for them in each of the prior seasons to work through each new moment and experience with much more depth and navigate better through life. The spectrum of the Seasons of Wellbeing can be viewed as a cycle, where each time around the individual is able to experience greater depth or height in their experiences. Awareness of which season one is in and being able to apply aspects of the next season into the one they are experiencing is a trademark of the Season of Integrate.

-Mike E

(I am taking most of this information from this journal article:
Simon Senzon, et al,  Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), pp. 113–130)

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